Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm white with curly hair (pretty much a fro) and I can't think of a Haloween costume, tho

It seems like nothing really looks good on me bc it's off set by my curly hair...the thing that worked at a party i went to, well kinda, i wore a wife beater and i had an aerosoft gun so i was one of the "boondock saints"....someone said i could be Richard Simmons and that that would be hilarious BUT i dont wanna look like a fag, i wanna have fun at this party...i need a costume that actually makes me look good so that at the party i can get girls and have fun haha...

I'm white with curly hair (pretty much a fro) and I can't think of a Haloween costume, thoughts?

wear a green shirt and draw a big "P" on it, then paint one of your eyes black, and you will be a black eyed pea. Or wear a box and wrap it with christmas wraping paper and put "To: Women , From: God" it's a little cocky but funny, if you can pull it off. Or the simple, yet classic hill billy. Or goldie Locks!!

oh so you want to pick up girls, but what about the one that you and your friend are fighting over? Im confused

I'm white with curly hair (pretty much a fro) and I can't think of a Haloween costume, thoughts?

just say your a hippie or a stoner or something cuz i know alot of hippies with blonde afros

I'm white with curly hair (pretty much a fro) and I can't think of a Haloween costume, thoughts?

Carry a gun (fake), wear a funky suit and weird sunglasses and you could be Phil Spector!

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