Monday, July 27, 2009

Texturizer or relaxer for my wavy,curly hair?

I'm black and native american. I have a very weird hair texture.

my hair is virgin, after I wash it it is wavy and curly mostly. (kinda like a joan on girlfriends) and it is straighter on the sides. It is long (about 15 inches) I would love to wear it out. I use dax grease to get moister. But If I wear it out too long, it gets totally dry and draws up. I would like to wear my hair out. Not totally straight, but with a looser curl (like ananda lewis) i heard that texturizers or relaxers can do this. but I do not know what they do exactly. can you tell me the benifits/problems with texturizers and relaxers? how do I maitain the look if I use either one of these products?

Texturizer or relaxer for my wavy,curly hair?

A texturizer can loosen up some of the wavy curl that you have. It won't make it frizz free. Have you ever considered braiding it in about 10 large plats (braids) and taking them aloose? After you wash it and condition it with a frizz controlling product, load it up with setting lotion or a flake free gel. Braid the hair and let it dry naturally. (make sure to put rubber bands at the ends) Once dry, remove bands, carefully take them aloose, then separate each part with a rat tail comb to your liking. apply a little more frizz control. No chemicals. and try an oil moisturizer like pink oil all over. dax can get heavy.

Texturizer or relaxer for my wavy,curly hair?

i would say use a texurizer. that's what i use, and it helps my hair look awesome, for the next few days all you have to do is wet it, and "beauty". i've never used a relaxer before though, so im not too sure about that

Texturizer or relaxer for my wavy,curly hair?

Don't relax or texturize.... Invest in a good straightener. You will regret changing your hair permantely. With a good straightener you will have the option of straigthening it or wearing it natural.TRUST ME!

Texturizer or relaxer for my wavy,curly hair?

OK to start with what ever you do DONT get a relaxer it damages you hair and breaks but it is hard to main tain loser curls with any of them so i would go with a texturizer but be carfull always let the salon do it for you believe me i learned the hard way any all of my hair broke off

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