Saturday, August 1, 2009

Medium shaggy layered haircut that works with curly or straight hair?

so i have brown hair that used to be very angled, and now i've almost reached my goal of making it all one length. the back is a little further than the base of my neck, which is where i want my overall length to be now. i'm growing my hair out long again and i have brown curly hair. i want tons of layers and for it to be kinda shaggy or scene looking. i'm okay with the sort of "eccentric" look when it's curly. could you guys give pictures? thanks! :D

Medium shaggy layered haircut that works with curly or straight hair?

ok here are some pics i foud earlier and are perfect for this question

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

so since i have curly hair i don't raelly like haveing it down so i always ware it up but i want to ware it down but im afraid that my friends will treat me diffrent of people will make fun of me what should i do?

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Why would people make fun of you? You're lucky to have curly hair, it makes you special from all your friends. Wear your hair down, don't be ashamed!

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

i have always wished for my hair to be curly again and my wishes have never come true. be glad your hair is curly, you can straighten it but i would leave it alone. your friends should not be worried about your hair, they should be more concerned over other things.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?




of course not, otherwise they arent really your friends

wear it down! put some mouse/gel in it- maybe loreal and youll look beautiful!

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

if your friends treat you differently because of your damn hair than that is messed up find new friends.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Straighten it, if it looks stupid you leanred you lesson, if it looks good more power to you.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

hey dont b shy show wat u hav got. dont try b somethin ur not.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

be BOLD and do what you think looks good :)

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Get over it and do what you want. They ARE friends right? You don't always have to be nice to your friends but you have to be honest. If they don't like it what of it?

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Flaunt the fact that you are unique, the only curly haired girl in a group of boring straight haired girls? - If anything they'll be jealous.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

How cares what they think. Curly hair is much better and they are likely jealous of you.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Curly hair is cute. You should be happy that you are different from your friends.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

The key is to be confident in yourself. and you will stand out more. When you are confident of who you are. Your friends would might even consider to have curly hair like yours.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

be yourself! I have curly hair too, and felt the same way... but years later I come to find out that all of my friends envied MY hair!!! If you want to wear it straight, get a big barreled curling iron or a flat iron :)

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

I used to have this same issue. Just do it and a few people will probably comment on it... but more than likely they will say that they like it. Once you do it a few times you get used to it... and then it will all be like normal.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

If your friends make fun of you, they arnt friends! And who cares what other people think. And if it really bugs you that much, straten it. You can use a stratener or go to a professinall and have the permantly straiten it.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Anyone who makes fun of you for having curly hair instead of straight is pretty pathetic.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Hon, its ok. Just wear it down. Everyone has curly hair.

down there V

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

do what you want! i am sure that you are very pretty, hair up or down. if your friends are really your firends they won't make fun of you.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

I can't really say if anybody would make fun of you. I don't know people that you go around with, but if you think that your friends would make fun of you...then they're not really your friends. You could always buy a hair straightner if you were that worried.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Embrace your beauty, once you accept your self you will have a different outlook on your whole style in general. what you do with your hair among other things is all about you, not about your friends. if they tease you, shut them up. you do it for your self, not for them. at least i hope so

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

any friend that would treat you different bc of your freakin hairstyle is a loser, and DEFINITELY should not be considered a friend by you. think about it.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Stop worrying about your peers and do what you want with your hair! The truth is, they're probably envious since you have curly hair and theirs is straight. That's just the way life is. Be who you are and you'll always have the last laugh when someone picks on you.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

I would just be myself and wear my hair down. My hair isnt naturally straight either but i still wear it down and nobody treats me different. Trust my...just be yourself!

Hope that this helps a lot!


Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

why? they know u have curly hair. besides a real friend will treat u nicely regardless of hairtype.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Your a pariah and an outcast. Everyone knows curly-haired people are...."different' than straight haired ones. Begone oh evil and strange one.

Really...what do you give a damn what you friends think? If they give you grief over it then I guess they aren't very good friends...are they?

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Do what you want! Your friends are more likely to be jealous of your fabulously curly hair than anything else.

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Ok, so first of all you need to build your confidence. Remember when we were little kids and play with something were we had to construct? Such as block, legos, clay. Well, it is the same thing with your self-esteem. Alright, so now to your hair, I have a friend in which she has super, super, culy hair and didn't care what other people might, do, say, or act. So she wore it down. It looked nice because she put mouse and stuff. Try to make it neat, And have fun, if they laugh they are not real friends sweetheart. Make yourself one of a kind.=)

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

well if all ur friends have straight hair then u will b more noticeable and I like curly hair better anyway...

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

A lot of girls would love to have naturally curly hair. If people make fun of you because of your hair then they're the stupid ones! Put some gel in it and leave it down or get a straightener and straighten it one day. Your hair shouldn't be that big of a deal. Good luck!

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

Why would they make fun of you?If they do they are not true friends to be mocking you cause of your curly hair.You are lucky to have curly hair.I would love my hair to be curly and i bet they would 2.If you really want your hair to be straight save up and buy a hair straightner.(just don't use it too much in case you burn your hair)

Ok so i have curly hair and all of my friends have straight?

My best friend has extremely curly hair...and it's beautiful when she wears it down, I wish I had curly hair. But if you want to try a new look, you could always flat iron it, you will probably need someone to help you. If your hair is extremely curly it could take a while to do, I have flat ironed my friends hair and it takes about an hour, it looks pretty, but I like her hair best curly.

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

Hey i'm half chinese half black and i live in the Jamaica. I was wondering if anyone knew how to revitalize curly hair after it has dried and is losing its curl pattern WITHOUT shampooing. There are great products here in Jamaica but I'm just not sure which ones really work they have IC (Fantasia),motions,yellow,pantene,garnie... fructis and sum other stuff. Oh and i was wondering which leave in conditioners and good?

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

what i usually do is put curling product [garnier fructise] or anti-friz stuff in my hair when i get out of the shower and if later in the day it starts to lose its curl, but is already dry, i just spray it with water until its damp and scrunch my hair with a teeeny bit of aussie leave in conditioner

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

use garnier fructis curling mousse when your hair is wet, scrunch it in, it really hold your curls :-)

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

I use Infusium leave in- that stuff is amazing! I have really think, curly hair and by the time I'm dont fixing half of it- the other half is dry! Spray some of that on there and it helps 100%! Also helps with frizzies too! And its not expensive- you can get it almost anywhere!

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

I have naturally curly hair too.

Carefree Curl Gold is excellent for curls and moisture or you can use Kid Organics Moisturizing Detangling lotion. Both products help keep the curl and keep the hair soft. PLUS they are both well priced.

The best leave in conditioner I have found for me is by Silk Elements, it's the Leave-In Hair Moisturizing Cream. In fact the whole line of Silk Elements products works well on textures such as ours.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I have short hair and I like to have curly style. What's the best for doing curls cream, gel, wax or mousse? and what brand do you recommend?

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse but also use serum so it will look shinny and healthy, and it also controls frizz. Try so sexy by vicotrias secret its smells delicious. And the mousse try fructis.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Spray gel

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

not wax! if your hair is short i would go for a mousse to give it body, shine, and light hold. a cream may weigh down short hair too much. i have long curly hair and use mousse, cream, and gel, depending on how curly i want my hair to be.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I really like aussie. I'd use mousse, just because cream gel and wax are kinda obvious that you used them.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse, it helps it curl back up and keep the curl

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Try gel,

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Used Potion 9 ( It's a leave-in conditioner) use a little bit of it on your hair.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

try "curls rock". i believe it is by catwalk. you can get it in a salon. i used to have my hair curly and it helped hold the curl and looked very natural. smells yummy too.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

i have real thick curly hair and i use gel just because i keeps it shiny and moist. and it looks clean too! use a strong hold just dont use herbal ess. gel because it sux for people with our hair.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse definately it holds curls longer than any other product I know of. Try Motions its a good product.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

suave moose is great and cheap. i use it on my weaves

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I have thick naturally curly hair and I use "Curls Rock" by Tigi Catwalk. I've tried a lot of products and this seems to work the best for me. I use the cream and then follow up with the spray.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse leave' your hair in place without weighing down your curls.

Creams %26amp; gels .. just make your hair look oily

Wax ... Probally won't do anything gor curls...

Vo5 has a Mousse for curls ... it's good ...

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i have medium length curly hair and i always put it in a bun and school is starting soon and i want some other cute ideas..any good mousses or any special sprays?

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i don't know if this will work for everyone but it works for me. i don't have super curly kinky ringlets, but it is long (mid back) and very curly.

if you want to leave it down, don't brush your hair. i know it sounds funny but after two days of washing it and not brushing, the curls start to behave and look natural without the pouf.

i use a leave-in conditioner, wrap my hair in a towel (to soak up excess water), i get ready, walk around, do whatever i need to do, and when i'm ready to leave, i just take the towel off, leave the curls alone (no brushing, no touching, nothing) and let my hair air dry. after two days of not brushing, the curls start to look really nice, the less you brush and/or mess with your hair, the better the curls look.

i wash my hair everyday, it's probably not a good thing but i can't stand not washing it, and i do brush it, just not every day; i tend to brush it maybe once every week or two, just to keep the knots out.

i can't believe i spent so many years putting goop in my hair (mousse, gel, hair spray, you name it) when all i had to do was leave it alone.

hope this helps.

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

nope ...sorry

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

pigtails are cute with curly hair. you can try garnier fructise smoothing milk to make them less frizzy and nice :)

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

yea put it the way you wanted to be?

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i always say this but:

be curly (aveda) or curl conscious (bumble and bumble) make awesome creams for curly hair...they won't make your hair crispy looking or feeling and they prevent frizz

and if you want to wear it a little differently, you can use bobby pins to pin your hair half up, but leave the front sections down

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

hmmm... just let it flow

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

nah man leave it curly down use sum sheen spray or sumthing to give it a wet look or a glossy look.ok

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

John Frieda Frizz-Ease products in the Curly style

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

That Citrus lift Stuff!!! REALLY GOOD!

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

If you have not very thick to medium thick hair, you should try just putting some mousse in it and putting it down. If that looks to big/poofed try thinning your a hair a little bit first. You can also try a half ponytail. My friend does that and it looks great especially on curly/wavy hair. It's not kid-like and at the same time not too classy. You can always check magazines or ask your hairstylist next time you go to the salon.

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i have the same length hair and mine is curly too.

what i do is i take my shower and then after kinda scrunch it to just let it begin to dry with its curl. then when it begins to get mostly dry, get some more water and calm it. then take some gel and comb it through the hair so that there are a bunch of thinner bunches of hair instead of clumps. then scrunch it all over and add as much gel as you want. but you will find that the more gel you add the more wet of a look you will get and i like less gel cause it looks a lot more natural. you can experience with it differently. and its not so much the kind of gel i think you use. because the kind i use is really cheap. its just how much you put in and how you style it. just let it be free. also wear it with confidence and it will shine and look brighter. hope i helped.

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

yep...go to and check out the "be curly" I was cursed w/ little ringletts and being ask by snoby girls...."oh who did your perm" I say mother nature. this stuff is awesome. it makes your hair shine and the curls are not stiff and brittle like straw they are soft and sexy....check it is a cream and you will not be sorry. it is $16 dollars and well worth it. good luck and love your curls....every girl wants 'em!!

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i have REALLY curly hair, what i do is put a little bit of medium hold mousse in my hair after getting out of the shower, flip your hair upside down and scruntch your hair, then blowdry it on low heat, low power, if you want you can put a little bit of hairspray in it to hold the style all day.

also low strung pigtails also look great with curly hair. hope that helps %26lt;3

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

For my curly hair I shampoo and then towel dry. After that I use mousse (good hold) to hold the curl all day. The big key is to scrunch your hair while it is wet until it gets close to being dry. It keeps the hair from pulling down (gravity due to heavier hair because of wetness). After it fries you can either pull the top portion back out of your face or simply part it on one side and tuck behind your ear.

Any cute ideas for curly hair?

i hair spray my hair with dove hairspay after a shower to control the friz,but my hair still stays nice and moveable not sticky and hard but i just let it down i found that if you layer your hair a little the curls look better because they dont have so much bottom weight so i would try that just let your hair be free!!

How can i get curly hair easily?

I want to know how 2 get my hair curly after taking a shower.

How can i get curly hair easily?

scrunch it

How can i get curly hair easily?

scrunch it with a gel or spray.

braid it before you go to sleep and take the braids out in the morning.

use curlers when you sleep.

perm it.

twist sections of it with your fingers and blow dry them.

it all works-hope it helps!

How can i get curly hair easily?

take gel in your hands and start from the bottom of your hair scrunching it and grabbing it in clumps, (when your hair is damp) and put it up in a scrunched bun, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then take it down and add a little more gel for extra hold.

How can i get curly hair easily?

You could get a perm bt believe me, You DON'T want a PERM! The easyway to curl hair is with sponge rollers, since the heat rollers damage hair. But what I do is take olperm rods and wrap them around my hair, without having all the chemicals. Using these rollers instead of heat leave your hair less damaged and they are harder tobrush out, which means they stay in longer. Hope that this helps =D

How can i get curly hair easily?

braid it with gel!

How can i get curly hair easily?

See i want to get rid of my curly hair. But i would say to get it permed, or scrunch it with gel, hairspray, and serum, thats what i use to keep my hair in PRETTY CURLS

How can i get curly hair easily?

u can scrunch ur hair with gel for hard curls, mousse for soft curls, and then just add hairspry for extra hold. if u want long lasting results use all 3.

How can i get curly hair easily?

After taking a shower, comb your hair and twist it up into an updo with a clip. When it dries, let it down and it should be curly.

Or twist different sections. This way, you don't need a curling iron, which is bad for your hair.

Good luck! It works for me!

Need tips on straightening curly hair with rollers?

I would like to straighten my curly medium texture- shoulder length hair with large rollers. I want it mostly smooth, doesn't have to be bone striaight. Something similar to this:

Need tips on straightening curly hair with rollers?

Good one.

Need tips on straightening curly hair with rollers?

how to do curls in a straight hair

Need tips on straightening curly hair with rollers?

just use a normal hair straightener. xx

How do you crimp curly hair?

i dont have a crimp iron and my hair is really curly like poofy curls. how do i crimp it? thanks :]

How do you crimp curly hair?

Just straighten your hair first with wour straight iron then go over it with a crimper or u can always use a curling iron and instead of curling forward, crimp backwards! Hope i helped ya!

How do you crimp curly hair?

straighten then crimp good luck!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

^Me with straight hair

^Me with curly hair

And I want to know, am I pretty? I don't want you to "rate me", but am I decent looking?


Oh, and I'm 13 and will be 14 soon.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I, as a thirteen going on fourteen year old girl, thinks that the straight hair looks better. Of course, it could just be the way your hair is styled curly, but I think the straight looks better. However, it does look kinda thick for straight hair, so you may want to try putting it up or something, or pull it back with bangs going down.

Yes, you look really pretty (your look is very natural, which is a GOOD thing).

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

curly... it's really cute

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

u look betta with sraight hair

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

either is good..but curly is better..

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

um stright hiar o and ur pretty i guess

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Go with the straight hair. I am sure boys your age think you are pretty.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I liked the straight look better. of course your are decent looking-why do you ask?

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

You're not bad looking, but I'd recommend that you get a good hairstylist. you'd probably look good in either a well-done perm or a good straight cut.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

You're a pretty girl. And you look better with curly hair. And this is coming from a guy.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think straight.

and you are pretty for your age.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

def. curly its very cute! and yes u are pretty

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I like you more with straight hair. and your very pretty teenager =]

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Both look very good on you. Straight makes you look older, so I guess depending on what age you are wanting to look...use straight for looking a tad older and curly for looking your own age.

And you are not ugly.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

they both look nice but i think the straight looks tad nicer...and yes u are pretty!!!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think you look nice with both styles. I say go with the one you like and is easier to do.

I would say your a good looking girl.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think you look way better with straight hair. and yes you are pretty :)

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

try smiling showing ur teeth! ur pretty and I like it Straight! curly looks a little too messy! but you are really pretty!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Both look good and yes you are cute

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Honestly, you look alot older with straight hair!!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

your adorable!!!

AND i like ur hair both ways but preferably straight. cut more layers though and part it more to the side. your gorgeous so dont worry ;)

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?


Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Wait! is that a trick question? Now I may be your typical non observant guy, but it look kind of the same in both pictures. Oh damn there are two straight haired pictures. you almost trick me let me look at the curly haired picture......the curlier hair looks better, but i would maybe wear it a bit different on top. But what do i know I had to look at two pictures of the same straight hair and try to figure out which one was supposed to be curly, before I figured out that neither were. It's all rather confusing.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

well as a 13 year old i like both but i like strait a bit better

you are pretty!!!

i think u should get more layers and side bangs that would be sooooo cute!!!!

and instead of curly u could scrunch it i think it would be cuter

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Straight all the way

and yes you look hot

and im 14 yr old guy

so you should trust me

you look great with straight hair

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriends loves my curly hair b/c its natural. What do other guys think?

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

There's really no answer to this question because every guy has different preferences. And this might sound a little racial but... Black people like curly hair because black people's hair are usually naturally curly. Asian people like straight hair because Asian people have naturally straight hair and Caucasian people usually have straight-wavy hair and Latino people have curly-wavy. So it pretty depends on the person. Though this is not always the case... I've seen black people who like straight hair... Also sorry for my extremely long paragraph! If your BF likes curly hair then have it curly!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

boys don't care.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My bf says he likes it better when its straight that way he can easily run his fingers through it!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is a personal preference for guys. But I have heard many guys say that they like it when they can easily run their fingers through a girls hair without getting their fingers caught, which I am assuming means straight hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight and long

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriend loves it when it is long, down and straight.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I'm not a boy obviously, but I think it depends on the kind of face they have.

My hair is naturally curly/wavy but I straighten it sometimes. It's a win-win ;P

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

if he loves you, he wouldn't care. it shouldn't matter. but if you do,then if its a light brown, curly. if its black or blond, straight

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

If it is long keep the curls, but if it is short no curls.That is what my idea what boys like(I know this stuff).

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

depends on what makes u look better

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

each to there own

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

everyone has a different opinion

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Hi Olivia, honey,,, i like hair,,, long and straight,, but if you have some curly added to it,,, thats sexy also....

good luck

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

curly, straight... whatever

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Most people prefer my hair curly too.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Depends on the shape of your face and how you look in curly or straight hair. Most guys are more interested in other features than your hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

well I like my girlfriend hair just the way it is,curly or straight she always be my beautiful girl

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight or wavy but not so curly

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is what is under the hair that counts, if you acted different with curly hair he may not like you.

what I am saying is it is not your hair it is you the whole person he likes.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I prefer straight hairs, because they look longer

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

Hey i'm half chinese half black and i live in the Jamaica. I was wondering if anyone knew how to revitalize curly hair after it has dried and is losing its curl pattern WITHOUT shampooing. There are great products here in Jamaica but I'm just not sure which ones really work they have IC (Fantasia),motions,yellow,pantene,garnie... fructis and sum other stuff. Oh and i was wondering which leave in conditioners and good?

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

what i usually do is put curling product [garnier fructise] or anti-friz stuff in my hair when i get out of the shower and if later in the day it starts to lose its curl, but is already dry, i just spray it with water until its damp and scrunch my hair with a teeeny bit of aussie leave in conditioner

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

use garnier fructis curling mousse when your hair is wet, scrunch it in, it really hold your curls :-)

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

I use Infusium leave in- that stuff is amazing! I have really think, curly hair and by the time I'm dont fixing half of it- the other half is dry! Spray some of that on there and it helps 100%! Also helps with frizzies too! And its not expensive- you can get it almost anywhere!

How do i get curly hair after it is dry and is losing its pattern without wetting it or shampooing?

I have naturally curly hair too.

Carefree Curl Gold is excellent for curls and moisture or you can use Kid Organics Moisturizing Detangling lotion. Both products help keep the curl and keep the hair soft. PLUS they are both well priced.

The best leave in conditioner I have found for me is by Silk Elements, it's the Leave-In Hair Moisturizing Cream. In fact the whole line of Silk Elements products works well on textures such as ours.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriends loves my curly hair b/c its natural. What do other guys think?

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

There's really no answer to this question because every guy has different preferences. And this might sound a little racial but... Black people like curly hair because black people's hair are usually naturally curly. Asian people like straight hair because Asian people have naturally straight hair and Caucasian people usually have straight-wavy hair and Latino people have curly-wavy. So it pretty depends on the person. Though this is not always the case... I've seen black people who like straight hair... Also sorry for my extremely long paragraph! If your BF likes curly hair then have it curly!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

boys don't care.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My bf says he likes it better when its straight that way he can easily run his fingers through it!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is a personal preference for guys. But I have heard many guys say that they like it when they can easily run their fingers through a girls hair without getting their fingers caught, which I am assuming means straight hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight and long

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriend loves it when it is long, down and straight.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I'm not a boy obviously, but I think it depends on the kind of face they have.

My hair is naturally curly/wavy but I straighten it sometimes. It's a win-win ;P

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

if he loves you, he wouldn't care. it shouldn't matter. but if you do,then if its a light brown, curly. if its black or blond, straight

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

If it is long keep the curls, but if it is short no curls.That is what my idea what boys like(I know this stuff).

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

depends on what makes u look better

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

each to there own

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

everyone has a different opinion

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Hi Olivia, honey,,, i like hair,,, long and straight,, but if you have some curly added to it,,, thats sexy also....

good luck

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

curly, straight... whatever

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Most people prefer my hair curly too.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Depends on the shape of your face and how you look in curly or straight hair. Most guys are more interested in other features than your hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

well I like my girlfriend hair just the way it is,curly or straight she always be my beautiful girl

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight or wavy but not so curly

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is what is under the hair that counts, if you acted different with curly hair he may not like you.

what I am saying is it is not your hair it is you the whole person he likes.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I prefer straight hairs, because they look longer

What kind of hair straighting product to you recommend for curly hair?

I have very curly hair and i need a straighting product that really works for my hair.

What kind of hair straighting product to you recommend for curly hair?

You need to use a hair relaxant and get a good hair straightener. I use a GHD (ceramic) as there is less damage to the hair - I also use a pre hair straighter product by GHD before I apply.

What kind of hair straighting product to you recommend for curly hair?

try aveda pin straight!! it works so so so so s o well!! you will love it! i promis it works i have the same problem

PS when you are blow drying your hair blast it with cold air to keep the frizzes down

What kind of hair straighting product to you recommend for curly hair?

Ever consider the Japanese Hair Straightening (also known as thermal reconditioning, straight perm, Japanese straight perm)? It may be pricey but the result is worth it.

It saves me time fixing my hair, and hairstyle looks better.

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

I want curly hair/loose waves whenever i try it doesnt turn out right.

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

thats cute

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

umm a curler

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

Get a steam curler kit with 3 inch barrel rollers. Use mousse not hairspray and roll your hair in a spiral fashion.

When you undo the rollers, don't comb it. Rake it.

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

use those baton thingies that girls wrap their hair around and then they heat it or something and it becomes all curly.

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

a curling iron,hairspray/styling gel,and when you curl your hair dont curl it too tight around the coil,keep it kind of lose.

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

Take the clamp off of a curling iron (1 inch would be better for those types of waves), then, flip the iron upside down so the cord part is upwards. Get your hair, and starting from the roots, wrap your hair around the curling iron, making sure that all your hair is wrapped around it. Release after 5 seconds or so, then, break the curl by running and shaking your fingers through it.


Get a flat iron (1 inch or a 1 1/4 inch, nothing bigger), then, starting at the roots, flip your iron (not all the way), then, flip it 180 degrees. Keep flipping 180 degrees, and keep the iron moving. This creates summer waves

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

all the answers that u have so far are comfusing, but u can get that look really simple...just curl your hair on a curling iron kinda tight, then keep it on for about 30 that to all of your hair, spray it like once around your head with hair-spray, then shake your hair all around...then spray it all the way around a lot with hair-spray, then you will have nice loose curls that stay in all day long XD

How do I get Curly Hair like this ?

o ok u need a curler maube curly haired shampoo and a sculpting spray, lol i dunno but maube it will work =) lol

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have curly hair and for the longest time I wished it was straight until I realized that curls are awesome!

Do you have curly or straight hair?

Straight as a board.... curls are very awesome.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

straight hair but it's thick.

Do you have curly or straight hair?


Do you have curly or straight hair?


i love curls.

and i love straight.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

straight is hot for both sexes.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

Curly. I still kind of wish it was straight. :/

Do you have curly or straight hair?

straight and I wish I had some wave

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have straight Hair.=]

Do you have curly or straight hair?

My hair is straight!

Do you have curly or straight hair?

i have straight wavy hair but i like to make it straighter with straightner curls look really good in my hair too

Do you have curly or straight hair?

naturally curly but i straighten it

Do you have curly or straight hair?

naturally curly hair=)\

but i like it strait

Do you have curly or straight hair?



Do you have curly or straight hair?

Curly hair.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have very curly hair.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

wavy and thick

Do you have curly or straight hair?

curly hair pretending to be straight

Do you have curly or straight hair?

Straight when it under 2 inches, curly after that, on my head that is...

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have curly/bushy/thick/frizzy hair...and so wish I had straight hair.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

straightish but it goes wavy.

Do you have curly or straight hair?


Do you have curly or straight hair?

Board flat straight hair, but I love curly, wavey hair %26amp; I always curl it on special occasions!~~

Do you have curly or straight hair?


Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have straight hair.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I had straight hair as a kid. From the time I was 16 to 30 it frizzed out and got curly. Then it went straight again. You're right, curls ARE awesome, I only wish I enjoyed mine when I had them.

Do you have curly or straight hair?


but straightening it everyday

Do you have curly or straight hair?

I have wavy hair.

: )

Do you have curly or straight hair?

curly but I staighten it.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

Super dooper crazy curly!

Do you have curly or straight hair?

Lots of curls.

Do you have curly or straight hair?

i have natural curls but i use a flat iron to get a sleek straight look most of the time.

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

I have very long naturally curly hair down to my lower back, but it has gotten way too long. If i take off about 3-4 inches and put layers in it, will it look thicker, or help take off some bulk?

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

I, too, have curly hair and when I got layers, it took my hair from looking triangular to having an actual shape. Not only will a face-framing layers really make you stand out more, but there are also more options in hair styles. Basically...go for the layers!

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

getting the long layers help take out the bulk,won't make it look bushy at all.

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

It will make it thicker

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

Definetly layer it. that way you dont get the Christmas tree effect. Think about that. I have curly hair, trust me.

Will long layers on curly hair make it thicker or take out bulk?

It will take bulk out if you put some layers in it, but if you cut it shorter it may as well make it look thicker as well. If you just want some bulk removed, I would just suggest you leave it long and layered for a sleek and clean look. Good lucké–³?

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

my hair is curly - really similar to my avatar lol. do u know of any shampoos that are good for making curly hair smoother, silkier, and bouncier?

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

I have curly hair as well and i always liked matrix sleek look shampoo and conditioner and their extreme styling creme. Its supposed to be for straight hair but alot of stylists use it to smooth out curly hair for less frizz. You can get it at almost any salon.

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

wave neuvo

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair? is the best of all

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

My hair is anturallly curly too. If you want it to look straighter use straightening shampoo and conditioner. If you just want to wash your curly hair use garneir and get the shampoo and conditioner that says for naturally curly or frizzy hair. That stuff keeps your hair in place and looking great all day.

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

You can try with Revlon Flex

What's a good shampoo for naturally curly hair?

My absolute favorite professional line for naturally curly hair is the Curls Rock products in the Catwalk line. this is one of my top sellers in my salon.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I have short hair and I like to have curly style. What's the best for doing curls cream, gel, wax or mousse? and what brand do you recommend?

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse but also use serum so it will look shinny and healthy, and it also controls frizz. Try so sexy by vicotrias secret its smells delicious. And the mousse try fructis.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Spray gel

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

not wax! if your hair is short i would go for a mousse to give it body, shine, and light hold. a cream may weigh down short hair too much. i have long curly hair and use mousse, cream, and gel, depending on how curly i want my hair to be.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I really like aussie. I'd use mousse, just because cream gel and wax are kinda obvious that you used them.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse, it helps it curl back up and keep the curl

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Try gel,

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Used Potion 9 ( It's a leave-in conditioner) use a little bit of it on your hair.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

try "curls rock". i believe it is by catwalk. you can get it in a salon. i used to have my hair curly and it helped hold the curl and looked very natural. smells yummy too.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

i have real thick curly hair and i use gel just because i keeps it shiny and moist. and it looks clean too! use a strong hold just dont use herbal ess. gel because it sux for people with our hair.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse definately it holds curls longer than any other product I know of. Try Motions its a good product.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

suave moose is great and cheap. i use it on my weaves

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

I have thick naturally curly hair and I use "Curls Rock" by Tigi Catwalk. I've tried a lot of products and this seems to work the best for me. I use the cream and then follow up with the spray.

What's best for curly hair: cream, gel, wax or mousse?

Mousse leave' your hair in place without weighing down your curls.

Creams %26amp; gels .. just make your hair look oily

Wax ... Probally won't do anything gor curls...

Vo5 has a Mousse for curls ... it's good ...

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

i have curly hair but i want to have side swept bangs as well.

thought of straightening just the bangs alone.

so tell me, shud i use an iron daily, or chemically straighten it, only the bangs?

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

I wouldnt suggest chemically straightening it. You can iron it everyday and it would look just as good if not better. Chemicals can do some major damage to your hair girl. May I suggest using a pomade and it would make it look shiny and smooth. My hair is really curly and I use it whenever I straighten my hair. I use the one by Regis.

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

i have the same problem with my bangs.. I use an iron on my hair daily.. but I use a heat protesting jel for my ahir and If you get it chamically straightened then you still have to straighten it with an iron.. or at least i did

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

Chemically straighten it.

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

i wouldnt straighten the bangs because then they look to flat and have no body, just blow dry them straight with a round brush so they have a little oomf.

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

It depends on if you want to deal with straightening everyday. I would iron it or blowdry it just in case if I would ever want to make it curly again.

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

I have a friend whose hair is curly but has side swept bangs. She straight irons the bangs everyday, and it looks really cute.

Side swept bangs with curly hair?

b/c it is only your bangs u should use an iron, i wouldn't chemically straighten just ur bangs.

I have layered wavy/curly hair, and I want it to be JUST wavy! Help!?

I want it to be the same kind of waves as this:

How do I do that with this kind of hair (wavy/curly)?

And please don't reccomend something that has LOADS of gel/hairspray that will give me a straw texture. I want a natural looking kind of waves, thanks!

I have layered wavy/curly hair, and I want it to be JUST wavy! Help!?

use sunsilk shampoo for curl..they also have leave in conditioner..

I have layered wavy/curly hair, and I want it to be JUST wavy! Help!?

if your hair curls and waves a bit naturally try leaving it to dry on it's own without brushing/combing for a few hours... otherwise I'd say curlers or a large barrel curling iron but it probably won't last "all day" if your hair isn't like that naturally. I'm fairly certain you can go to a salon and get a "permanent" similar to this look... just do your research before hand. You may have to grow out your layers before you can really get those results.

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

From the age of 5 my mom has always permed my hair. I've always had naturally very thick,coarse african-american hair.I'm 19 now and i want my curls back.I'm kinda tired of the same old "relaxed-look". My mother hates my hair.. what should i do to make it curly again?...the relaxed hair touches just below my neck. Relaxers leave my hair dull, brittle and dry..:(..there's no life in it at, if anyone can give me some tips, that would be very sweet of you!..(hope, i got the right category, here)..thank you :}

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

You can't exactly just switch back you either have to just cut off all of your relaxed ends or slowly trim them every few months when the new growth comes in. Its called transitioning. The point where your natural hair and relaxed hair meets is called demarcation, along that line is where you will get a lot of breakage. You can slow down the breakage if you do a deep conditioning once a week, stay away from heat appliances (blowdryers and flat irons), and little manipulation(combing and brushing).

You could also transition using the crown and glory technique, by using braid extentions to help you along the way.

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

maybe get some braids and keep on getting them till your hair curls back up from the new growth.

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

dont perm it for like 6 months then cut it (like i did) and let it grow back natural

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

I was just about to say that. Braids would be a good thing if u don't like the old school braids try rough rider braids or Micro braids to help ur hair grow the relaxer out. Mayb in a couple months (depending how ur hair grow) You'll be able to tell the difference...Good luck

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

cut off the processed hair or grow it out!

How should i switch back from relaxed hair to my naturally curly hair??

this is how I went back to natural after relaxing my hair

you have 2 options:

1: chop it all off and learn to take care of your hair as it grows

1: cut it every now and then letting it grow out. (like you have been doing) Either way you need to make sure you keep your hair moisturized. there are a wealth of websites you can go to that will help you

For the hard days when you just want to relax because it seems so much easier

happy transitioning.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

^Me with straight hair

^Me with curly hair

And I want to know, am I pretty? I don't want you to "rate me", but am I decent looking?


Oh, and I'm 13 and will be 14 soon.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I, as a thirteen going on fourteen year old girl, thinks that the straight hair looks better. Of course, it could just be the way your hair is styled curly, but I think the straight looks better. However, it does look kinda thick for straight hair, so you may want to try putting it up or something, or pull it back with bangs going down.

Yes, you look really pretty (your look is very natural, which is a GOOD thing).

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

curly... it's really cute

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

u look betta with sraight hair

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

either is good..but curly is better..

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

um stright hiar o and ur pretty i guess

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Go with the straight hair. I am sure boys your age think you are pretty.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I liked the straight look better. of course your are decent looking-why do you ask?

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

You're not bad looking, but I'd recommend that you get a good hairstylist. you'd probably look good in either a well-done perm or a good straight cut.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

You're a pretty girl. And you look better with curly hair. And this is coming from a guy.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think straight.

and you are pretty for your age.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

def. curly its very cute! and yes u are pretty

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I like you more with straight hair. and your very pretty teenager =]

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Both look very good on you. Straight makes you look older, so I guess depending on what age you are wanting to look...use straight for looking a tad older and curly for looking your own age.

And you are not ugly.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

they both look nice but i think the straight looks tad nicer...and yes u are pretty!!!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think you look nice with both styles. I say go with the one you like and is easier to do.

I would say your a good looking girl.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

I think you look way better with straight hair. and yes you are pretty :)

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

try smiling showing ur teeth! ur pretty and I like it Straight! curly looks a little too messy! but you are really pretty!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Both look good and yes you are cute

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Honestly, you look alot older with straight hair!!

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

your adorable!!!

AND i like ur hair both ways but preferably straight. cut more layers though and part it more to the side. your gorgeous so dont worry ;)

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?


Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Wait! is that a trick question? Now I may be your typical non observant guy, but it look kind of the same in both pictures. Oh damn there are two straight haired pictures. you almost trick me let me look at the curly haired picture......the curlier hair looks better, but i would maybe wear it a bit different on top. But what do i know I had to look at two pictures of the same straight hair and try to figure out which one was supposed to be curly, before I figured out that neither were. It's all rather confusing.

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

well as a 13 year old i like both but i like strait a bit better

you are pretty!!!

i think u should get more layers and side bangs that would be sooooo cute!!!!

and instead of curly u could scrunch it i think it would be cuter

Do I look better with straight hair or curly hair? (see pics...)?

Straight all the way

and yes you look hot

and im 14 yr old guy

so you should trust me

you look great with straight hair

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriends loves my curly hair b/c its natural. What do other guys think?

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

There's really no answer to this question because every guy has different preferences. And this might sound a little racial but... Black people like curly hair because black people's hair are usually naturally curly. Asian people like straight hair because Asian people have naturally straight hair and Caucasian people usually have straight-wavy hair and Latino people have curly-wavy. So it pretty depends on the person. Though this is not always the case... I've seen black people who like straight hair... Also sorry for my extremely long paragraph! If your BF likes curly hair then have it curly!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

boys don't care.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My bf says he likes it better when its straight that way he can easily run his fingers through it!

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?


Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is a personal preference for guys. But I have heard many guys say that they like it when they can easily run their fingers through a girls hair without getting their fingers caught, which I am assuming means straight hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight and long

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

My boyfriend loves it when it is long, down and straight.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I'm not a boy obviously, but I think it depends on the kind of face they have.

My hair is naturally curly/wavy but I straighten it sometimes. It's a win-win ;P

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

if he loves you, he wouldn't care. it shouldn't matter. but if you do,then if its a light brown, curly. if its black or blond, straight

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

If it is long keep the curls, but if it is short no curls.That is what my idea what boys like(I know this stuff).

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

depends on what makes u look better

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

each to there own

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

everyone has a different opinion

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Hi Olivia, honey,,, i like hair,,, long and straight,, but if you have some curly added to it,,, thats sexy also....

good luck

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

curly, straight... whatever

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Most people prefer my hair curly too.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

Depends on the shape of your face and how you look in curly or straight hair. Most guys are more interested in other features than your hair.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

well I like my girlfriend hair just the way it is,curly or straight she always be my beautiful girl

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

straight or wavy but not so curly

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I think it is what is under the hair that counts, if you acted different with curly hair he may not like you.

what I am saying is it is not your hair it is you the whole person he likes.

Do guys like curly or straight hair better?

I prefer straight hairs, because they look longer

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

I have naturally curly hair but if I don't put a product in it - it tends to go frizzy when it gets dry! What could I use that will leave my hair soft and frizz free?

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

I like using Herbal Essences. They have a number of different products for each style of hair, but for curls, I suggest 'Totally Twisted' (purple bottle) and for frizz control, 'None of Your Frizzness' (red bottle).

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

be curly by aveda i use it and it works great

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

garnier fructice?

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

please use indian products.......better use ayurvedic careful........

What hair product could I use to keep my hairl curly?

I use this

I also heard that the John Freida products work great as well.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

...Please post me some pictures as examples, if you can. I love the emo bangs look, but I'm not sure its for me, since I have midly curly hair.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

Sure just do your own google search for hairstyles. Then pick your length and curly.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes, you can blow them dry with a round brush to smooth out the curls

Can bangs work with curly hair?

nope. my friend has curly hair it looks horrible unless you straighten it.

EDIT: i don't know why i got a thumbs down. she asked a question i answerd but it's true it doesn't look as great but she watned the emo hair it'd look weird but if she straighted it, it would look really nice!

Can bangs work with curly hair?

side bangs but not in tha front unless u straighten them every day

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yep. like vanessa hudgens, some of ashley tisdale, miley cyrus.. lauren conrad... etc etc. just image google them =]

but just curl it with a curling iron at an angle to the side

Can bangs work with curly hair?


Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes you can.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

britney's got the right idea

Can bangs work with curly hair?

Sure, just keep your hair moisturized so that it doesn't break off.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yupp but i recommend thinning your bangs so they have more body.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes, just straighten them out. They look best swept to the side, if you have curly hair.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

I think it would just look strange but if you really want to know ask a hair dresser :)

Can bangs work with curly hair?

the bangs will work if they are longer and swept to the side like a taylor sift bang. Short, straight arcoss bangs dont look great but could work if you straighten your them.


Can bangs work with curly hair?

Yeah. It will work. That's how most people in my school Wear their hair, stright or curly. I think it looks ok, since I wear my hair that way most of the time, just make sure you strighten your bangs.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes definitley!

sry i didn't get any pix

Can bangs work with curly hair?

Can bangs work with curly hair?

i have UBERR curly hair

%26amp;%26amp; i kinda have"emo bangs"...

i just straighten them... works fine for me!

Can bangs work with curly hair?

Naa i dont think so

Can bangs work with curly hair?

this is a bad example because i straightened my hair but usually my hair is really curly except for my bangs which for some reason dry pretty straight

this is a bad pic but here i had side sweep bangs.... these i had to straighten though or they curled and frizzed

so basically... yes you can have bangs but be prepared to need to straighten them

Can bangs work with curly hair?

well.. bangs can work with many different hair styles -- it doesn't only depend on th ehair though.. the shape of th face or acne can matter as well


if u have or get acne alot u might not want bangs bc they will be laying on your face for long periods of time and u would have to wash it every day. -- if your face is sqaure, oval, or heart shaped you should get bangs but if u have a round face DONT get bangs bc round faces don't look good with bangs and are meant to be plain.... HOPED THAT HELPED!!!!!

Can bangs work with curly hair?

My hair is super curly, but I still straighten my bangs.

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes go on yahoo images then type in curly hair with bangs it should be the last pic of 2nd row it looks great

Can bangs work with curly hair?

Yea I got them. I got the "side bangs" I straighten them and it looks nice on me =]

Can bangs work with curly hair?

yes you will look really friend does it all the time

Does Jojoba oil make your hair less curly?

I have very curly hair and i like it when its a little bit greasy and kind of straight. If i used Jojoba oil, would my hair be a little greasy?

Does Jojoba oil make your hair less curly?

It certainly makes your hair grow.

Does Jojoba oil make your hair less curly?

Natural Homemade Beauty tips to Skin %26amp; Hair

Does anyone have any hair ideas for very curly hair?

I have very curly hair that goes down to the middle of my back, and it's very irritating. I'm not chopping it off, but I need ideas. I'm going to the hairdressers next Saturday to maybe get bangs and maybe layers. I've done high pony tails, braids (I can't do french ones), left it long, headbanded it. I'd love to do a messy bun, but it always falls out. Any ideas?

Does anyone have any hair ideas for very curly hair?

i also have curly hair and what i do is i make a side part and then take the front sections of both sides and make two ponytails. it looks cute and people really like it. im a freahman in high school and it doesnt look little girlish either.

you can pin them back too with bobby pins. put the pins in so they make an X, it looks really nice. i got bangs and it was annoying because i had to kepp straightening them cuz my hair is so wavy/curly

Does anyone have any hair ideas for very curly hair?

If you are doing layers be care because with very curly hair it might not come out the way you are picturing it. With bangs becareful with that as well. You will have to shraigten them everyday because if not you will have really wavy bangs as well. If you dont like the curly hair you could always tell your hairstylist to put a relaxer in your hair. That will help a lot. They tend to be a little pricey though. A couple of 100. But its well worth it if you want shraight hair.

Does anyone have any hair ideas for very curly hair?

Chop it off it would be better not alot just enough to style it.

Does anyone have any hair ideas for very curly hair?

Tips for all different type of Hairstyles

I need help with how to do a hair style with a veil and natural curly hair.?


I need a hair do that I can do with naturally curly hair and a veil (for my first Holy Communion)

My hair is naturally curly and about medium length.

Here is a picture if you need to see it:

I'm going to be wearing a veil and I need my hair down so I need some type of hair do for this.

It'd be GREAT if you could send me a website with the hair 'do.

Please %26amp;%26amp; Thank You!!!!

I need help with how to do a hair style with a veil and natural curly hair.?

have you considered to do part of your hair in a braid and the rest would frame your face? sorry, have no picture. Try some different do's in front of the mirror with a friend who can tell you what looks good on you ( or a hairstylist would be able to tell you as well but it would cost you money) Good Luck

Need help with troublesome curly hair.?

i have tight curly hair that i have relaxed multiple times and only now is the curl starting to come back to it. what products/methods are good to achieve long lasting style and no frizz during the summer???

Need help with troublesome curly hair.?

-Read the book and visit the sites below about curly hair. I did and my once horrible curly hair is now virtually frizz-free ringlets. Now I get compliments on my hair all the time! Straighten your hair- be happy for a day, learn to manage your curly hair- be happy for life!

- To style your hair using the curly-girl method you will need gel and conditioner at the minimum. Some less useful, but still nice stuff would be a blowdryer, a diffuser, butterfly clips, and a microfiber hair turban.

-The main philosophy of the curly-girl method is to not use shampoo. This may sound unhygenic but it has actually made my hair less oily and dandruffy. Shampoos contain some of the same chemicals found in laundry detergent. They dry out curly hair.

- Massaging of the scalp with conditioner to remove dirt is all that is needed. Then rinse and spread conditioner on the outside layer of hair and the hair at the nape of your neck. Gently comb tangles out with your fingers or a wide toothed comb and rinse. It is also important to use gel on sopping wet hair and scrunch the hair. Then let your hair air dry or use a blowdryer with a diffuser.

- I really like the garnier fructis sleek and shine leave in cream and Tressemme clean hold gel, but there are more conditioners, gels, etc. on the websites. Frizz-ease hair serum is amazing for fighting frizz.

- This takes 2 to 4 weeks begin working.This is hard to do if you don't read the book, or at least the websites. Naturally curly hair can be beautiful! Hope this helps!

Where can I get pics of shaggy curly hair?

I need curly hair, and I want to get the shaggy look! Where can I find pics of guys with curly shaggy hair? I've tried google and yahoo! And I can't find any good pics!

Where can I get pics of shaggy curly hair?

Google it

Where can I get pics of shaggy curly hair?

For pics and cuts of curly hair try Hope this helps.

Where can I get pics of shaggy curly hair?

try google international and then type in korea

Where can I get pics of shaggy curly hair?

Go to and put in curly hair styles or just go to Curly

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

If so I'd like to know the whole process, how often to condition, why is it better not to use shampoo. I saw this in a book about curly hair but didn't read it all.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

OKay first of all I don't believe it's good to not use a shampoo! You have to remove the oil, flakes from your scalp,(which are constantly shedding just like our other skin), even the smell like you get from cigarette smoke..YUK! You didn't state what kind of process you need, type of hair, oily, dry,? How do you want to wear it, straight? OKay since I have curly hair and I like to wear it straight and it sounds like that's what you're trying to achieve. First and most important, go to a salon and get a GOOD name brand product, such as Biologe, or Redken, they will help you there. But do not use anything from Wal-Mart or a regular store, you may as well use dish soap on it. Then get the type you need for the type of hair you have, oily, dry, they have one for all types of hair. I suggest Biologe. Then for the conditioner they make an excellent balm(very thick cond), you only need a little bit, and wow it really makes it feel great and relaxes it.

If you want to wear your hair straight let it dry a bit and then flip your head upside down and start blow drying it with a flat brush. After you have that pretty good, you will be able to see your hair going straight, I take a large round brush and do the frame of my face before it frizzes up on me, my bangs, then the crown, you just keep working around your head using the round brush like a big roller. Then I use a large barrell curling iron or the new straightning iron from the salons. It is awesome. But if money is object just go around head using curling iron. Large barrel doesn't make much curl. You will learn what is best for you but this ought to give you an idea of where to start. By using the good products your hair will get in better shape and calm down even more. Go to my 360 page if you want to contact me any further. I will be glad to help you more if I know exactly what type of hair you have, but this is just the straight truth about good hygiene and having a nice hair style that you like. It takes work when you have curly hair, but i's worth it. But always wash your hair, not using shampoo and just conditioner would cause massive oil buildup, and dandruff, and smell. ICK No way. BAD BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck


Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

yo keep it soft and curly(wavy)

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

cream bath too

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

No, I use both. But I use something very moisterizing, like L'oreal's stuff designed for curly/wavy hair.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

Shampoo everyday. Condition everyday. Use a moose or pomade. One or the other will work for you.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

I have wavy hair, but oily roots. I shampoo every other day, and just rinse my hair and condition on the off days.

If your roots are drier, you can go 2 or 3 days without shampooing, but you must condition your hair every day to keep frizzies away.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

no.all hair type needs conditioning.there r different conditioners available in market eg.dry hairs,normal hairs.n also not that only curly or wavy hairs need conditioning,straight hairs also need conditiong.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

Not me personally, but I have a lot of Italian friends who do. they say they don't use shampoo because it dries the hair too much and makes it go frizzy, as far as I am aware, they wash their hair pretty much as often as anyone else, another friend who has really curly hair doesn't like the conditioner only approach, but uses a mild shampoo and then uses henna wax to tame her curls I think shampoo can sometimes strip too much oil out of curly hair which is already quite dry.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

I have very wavy hair that frizzes easily. I usually shampoo my hair twice a week and always condition. If I go swimming I usually just condition it because shampooing too often strips your hair of natural oils. A hot oil treatment once a month is good also.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

i use paul mitchell shampoo and conditioner for my hair. i also use infusium 23 live in conditioner after drying my hair. this helps reducing the volume a bit for 2-3 days and you can put live in conditioner whenever u need it.

my hair dresser also suggested me to massage scalp with conditioner at night and wash hair in the morning. this will add extra shine to the hair.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

i think so

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

i honesty don't think shampooing your curly/ wavy hair is a bad thing. i shampoo and condition my wavy hair ,dry it off and then put it in a pony tail so it doesn't get to frizzy

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

i also have curly hair and i use outrageus (sp) both shampoo and conditioner

*DO NOT WASH EVERY DAY it dreis out curly hair when you want to maintain some of those oils

*you may in stead go up to 2-5 days depening on what condition your hair is in at that point

*when you do wash leave the conditioner in for a few minutes and use a plastic brush or pick to comb through it while you are in the shower

*when you get out put a leave in conditioner in (i use infusium but frizz-eaze would also work)

good luck and i hope this was helpful

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

we had this experiment with my little adopted sister, since she has curly hair, even though she's still young, we let her use conditioner everyday, and have shampoo every other day. Now her hair is better than before;)

And as for me, i do have a straight hair, but i still use both shampoo and conditioner everyday, because i go out everyday so i have to get rid of the dirt from my scalp and hair by using shampoo. With the help of conditioner, it makes my hair more manageable and softer, compared if i don't use conditioner.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

dont shampoo and condition everyday it will really damage ur hair trust me i have experience try to wash ur hair every alternat day--hope u have a good hair day-from far away canada

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

I have extremely thick, wavy hair. I wash it with Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 Silky and Smooth. After that I use a hair serum. Usually I let it air-dry, but I prefer to blow dry if I have the time. I don't wash it ever day because it gets too puffy.

Does anyone with curly or wavy hair only use conditioner?

Most shampoos are pretty harsh and strip you hair of the natural oils that keep it healthy. If you look at the ingredients in shampoos and conditioners, you will see that while conditioners do not contain the detergents, they do contain the surfactants, the substances that actually loosen dirt.

Get your hair wet, apply a lot of conditioner and put a plastic bag or shower cap over your head for 15 minutes or so. Your hair should be fully saturated with the conditioner. Once the time is up, carefully massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers. Rinse with as cool water as you can tolerate; the colder the better to seal the cuticle of your hair.

Don't brush your hair when it's wet; it will damage the hair. If your hair is curly, just finger comb it gently and let it air dry. You can scrunch to add more curl.

Feel free to use inexpensive conditioners for this. Just be sure they are silicone free because that can cause build-up. Silicone ingredients end in cone.

Your hair will be much shinier, with the curl beautifully maintained without the stripped look that shampoos can give.

As to frequency, you do it whenever you think you need to clean your scalp.

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

i have really thick curly hair and when i wear it down i have to put alot of gel in it but it still frizzes like crazy!!!!!! eney ideas?

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

I love reading other people's answers because they make me laugh!!

Don't use a hair straightener unless you want it straight.. there are other ways to control frizz.

Don't use lemon juice. I dont know why you would. It is acidic. It will dry your hair out. Dry hair is frizzy.. you will be worse off than you are.

There is not one product that is good for everyone. Gel does work on some curly hair. Mousse works better for others. However, you said you were using a lot of gel.. if you are using a lot of any product it is the wrong product.

You need to start by buying a good salon quality shampoo and conditioner, one with moisture in it, lack of moisture is causing some of your frizz. Bed Head Moisture Maniac is great. A liter of shampoo and conditioner together will run you about $40, unless you can find it when they are having a 2for1 sale. Don't start panicking about the price just yet. A liter will last someone with thick just below shoulder length hair about 4-6 months. This only comes out to about $6-10 a month for everything. These salon products are concentrated. You only need a dime to a quarter sized amount.

Do not buy your shampoo or conditioner in a store. Store products are full of water. They are also harmful to your hair. The cheap ones strip it taking even more moisture out. The more expensive ones (Pantene and Dove) contain wax. Your hair will feel great after using these products. It will be shiny and soft. But have you ever seen what wax buildup on a floor looks like? Eventually your hair will be dull and lifeless. This is why people always think their shampoo has stopped working and they need to switch. Your hair doesn't get used to the shampoo.. and it's still doing its job.. piling wax on your hair.

It may take time to find a product that works for you. I personally use a spray on leave-in conditioner after stepping out of the shower. It adds even more moisture to your hair. Then I use a little bit (less than a handful) of mousse, and then I put in a curl creme. These three products together leave your hair soft and shiny. My hair is never crunchy. Even on the most humid days, it still lays down. Whats nice, is it doesn't end up flat though.

Try Paul Mitchell Awaphui Moisture Mist, Sculpting Foam (not extra body), and Round Trip. Go to a salon that offers your money back if you don't like a product. Most offer a 7 day guarnatee

Also, dont brush or comb your hair. I brush my hair right before the shower, just to get out tangles, and then I finger comb it after the shower, scrunch it a little, and thats it. If you brush, comb, or play with it, it will just get bigger

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

get a CHI hair straightener

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

i probably have worse than you-try lemon juice after your shower...

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

put leave in conditioner it keeps it nice in shape

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

don't use gel.

mousse is way better for curly hair.

[make sure your hair is still totally wet, then comb a lot of it through, then do NOT touch your hair... touching your hair causes frizz!]

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

Shave your head

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

They sell anti-frizz cremes, you could try that

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

Try John Fredia's Frizz Ease Hair Serum. It works, and they sell it at Wal-Mart:)

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

use Sunsilk Hydra TLC or pantene

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

Sunsilk, their shampoo is really good for frizz, and so is Pantene's Frizz Control spray, it's amazing. PLUS, don't blowdry your hair, it makes the frizz worse.

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

put a hair oil, like the one from garnier fructise, only a small amount tho, on your hair when it's partially dry, then use a mousse

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

I also have thick curly hair....I use LA Looks Gel (Number 8-10)

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

Get Frizz-Ease. It really controls my hair when I wear it wavy. I do have to apply a lot of it though to make it work but I am pleased with the results. Be sure to get maximum strength...You will like it.

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner.

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

get a hair straitenner. works for me.

How to keep thick curly hair unfrizzed?

have the same a leave on condition for curly hair oil ,for the freez,dont buy cheap hair gel or mouse,try to spend 20 dollors ..i know i know...but they cost 20 $$ for a reason..try to keep your hair long...short hair is no good for curly hair..the longer the hair is the tamer your hair would be cause it makes wieght!!! err i know having curly hair is hard some times cause you do have to maintain it...